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Summer Furoshiki Ring Bags!

furoshiki ring bag in a cherry tree
Zusetsu Yuzu

It's the most beautiful time of the year, and we're celebrating the Spring flowers and the brighter days with our gorgeous furoshiki ring bags!

We're very excited because we have a special new addition medium-size furoshiki arriving any day - our new Zusetsu designed Yuzu furoshiki (which you can see in the photo above), which is made near Nijo Castle in Kyoto!

furoshiki ring bag in a cherry tree
Dot furoshiki

Our collection of stunning 70cm furoshiki designs, together with our sets of bamboo handles create the perfect summer bag. You can mix and match your bags the more furoshiki that you have!

furoshiki ring bag in the blossom
Meadow Flowers Vivid Blue and Orange

Spanish Vogue has already caught on to the beauty of furoshiki ring bags.

furoshiki ring bag in the blossom

We love them as light party bags.

furoshiki ring bag in a cherry tree
We love Konpeitou as a pretty confetti furoshiki ring bag!

And they are absolutely perfect as pretty confetti bags for your wedding bridesmaids and flower children!

bridesmaid holding a confetti ring bag

We offer hand-made furoshiki confetti ring bags, wedding table favours, bridal party gifts, and hotel guest hamper wraps.

furoshiki wedding table favours

If you are interested to see more of our Wedding Services, check out our recent blog Wedding furoshiki: Zusetsu at Clevedon Hall!

furoshiki ring bag on a branch
Meadow Flowers Bright Pink and Yellow

Furoshiki ring bags are easy to make. You can find out how in our Furoshiki Tutorials. Here you'll be able to follow both our illustrated diagrams and our handy video!

But if you would like us to make them for you, just ask - we're more than happy to do this for you!

furoshiki ring bag on a branch
Mini Bouquet Gray

Just take a look at our Medium (70cm) Furoshiki tab here and choose your favourite designs!

Then team it with a set of our Bamboo Handles here!

furoshiki ring bag
Mini Bouquet Red

So, whichever events are coming your way, we will have a Furoshiki Ring Bag to pretty up your day!

holding a furoshiki ring bag
Sky Blue Camellia

We hope you are enjoying the spring flowers !

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!

Cathy and Yukki


white cherry trees in bloom
Our beloved Cotswold cherry orchard!


furoshiki Snowflower Zusetsu pattern
Zusetsu logo with sakura blossom

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Zusetsu - An English company passionate about genuine Japanese furoshiki, tenugui and contemporary textiles and fabrics originating from the traditional, creative heritage of Kyoto, Japan. 
Find lots of ideas and examples for gift wrapping using the traditional Japanese methods.
Furoshiki, the zero waste, reusable, eco friendly alternative to paper and plastic.

Registered office address: Zusetsu Ltd., Castle Nurseries, Chipping Campden, Glos., GL55 6JT United Kingdom
Company Number: 11806597. VAT Number: GB 315 9298 79. Copyright Zusetsu Ltd., 2025.
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