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Making Origami Christmas Stars

origami Christmas stars

What could be more magical than Christmas stars!

These easy-to-make origami stars look beautiful on the Christmas tree, or as gift decorations for your furoshiki-wrapped Christmas presents!

Why not come together with your friends and family this winter and have some cosy indoor time making these beautiful star decorations.

You could make our popular origami Christmas trees too!

If you would rather buy them ready-made by us, take a look at the link below: we will hand-make them for you (it's a joy - we love making origami!)

If you need origami supplies we've got you covered, too! Just check out the links below to easily purchase our award-winning Kyoto origami, or our beautiful Hyogensha origami which has Christmassy accents of gold!


How to Make Origami Christmas Stars

To make one star, you will need one sheet of 15cm x 15cm origami + scissors.

*Top tip! Practice with same-size rough paper

until you are happy with this easy process!*

origami Christmas stars

1.Start with your origami paper pattern face up on the table.

origami Christmas stars

2.Bring the right edge of your paper to the left side of the paper, and fold it in half lengthways. Gently run your finger down the crease.

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

3.Bring the top right corner across to the left-side edge (it makes a triangle shape), and make a little crease in the centre, like this. (I'm using a cooking chopstick just to keep the paper in position so I can show you!)

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

4.Unfold the triangle, and repeat with the top left corner, bringing it across to the right edge and making a small crease in the centre of the fold. You'll see an 'X' made from the 2 creases.

origami Christmas stars

5.Now, bring up the bottom right corner until it sits in the 'X' crease. Run your finger all the way along the fold, making a gentle crease.

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

6.Rotate your paper so that you can easily pick up the paper point that is nestled in the 'X' crease, and fold it so that the edge lies on top of the underneath edge, like this.

origami Christmas stars

7.Pick up the right hand bottom corner of your paper, and fold it so that it lies against the folded edge of the 'kite' shape, just like this.

8.Run your finger gently along the fold to make a crease.

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

9.Now, turn the paper over, and fold the shape in half, bringing the right-side edge over so that it sits on top of the left-side edge, just like this.

origami Christmas stars

10.You'll see that your shape has a triangle shape on the top. With your scissors, cut directly along the line of the triangle, like this.

origami Christmas stars

11.Now, gently unfold the triangle. When your pentagon paper-shape is unfolded, make sure that the pattern side is facing down on the table. You are working with the plain un-patterned side.

origami Christmas stars

12.Now, fold up the bottom straight edge of your pentagon shape, so that the centre creased line sits upon the crease that goes right up to the central point of the pentagon. While you are at it, make sure that the left corner and the right corner of your folding paper lie on the diagonal creases underneath them. Just like this.

13.Run your finger along the fold and crease.

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

14.Unfold, and rotate the pentagon towards the left so that you have a new bottom edge to fold up to the centre line, matching the corners to the diagonal creases underneath, just like you did before.

15.You need to rotate the paper and each time repeat this process, until all 5 edges have their new crease.

origami Christmas stars

16.When you look at the unfolded paper you should see the crease-lines of a star-shape and a smaller pentagon in the centre, like this.

origami Christmas stars

17.Now you will begin to make the 5 points of your star.

Fold up one base line of your pentagon again, and then fold up the next base line of your pentagon on the right - where the two lines collide they push up a folded corner point. It looks like this.

18.Flatten the point folding it over towards the right, and crease, just like in the photo below.

origami Christmas stars

19.Unfold the paper, and rotate it, repeating the folding of the 2 adjacent base lines, pushing out a creased corner point which flattens over towards the right. Continue until you have done all 5, and you have created the creased lines to make 5 points.

origami Christmas stars

origami Christmas stars

20.Now for the fiddly bit! Gather up all 5 creased corner-points in your hand.

21.Lean each of the points in the same direction, towards the right, and gradually flatten them. They will create your basic star shape!

22.Run your finger along all of the edges creasing them.

origami Christmas stars

23.Now, turn your star-shape over.

origami Christmas stars

24.Do you see the pentagon-shape in the middle of your star? Pick up one edge, and fold the centre point towards the centre of your star, creasing the lower line so that it runs down smoothly to the tip of the first star-leg point. Like this.

origami Christmas stars

25.Repeat this for every leg of the star, until you come to the last one.

origami Christmas stars

26.You will see that the last leg of your star has its top corner inside the fold of the next star leg. You need to take the folded inside corner, and gently fold it towards the centre, making sure that the longer line runs to the tip of the star leg, just like you were doing before.

27.Run your finger gently over all of the creases of your star to help it take its final shape.

origami Christmas stars on furoshiki wrapped present

28.Now you have a solid origami paper star to decorate your furoshiki-wrapped Christmas presents!

Don't forget, we would love to hand-make Christmas stars for you. The link is here:

If you would like our hand-made origami Christmas trees the link is here:

Here is the link for one of the designs of our beautiful

award-winning Kyoto origami papers:

And here is a link to our 15cm square Hyogensha origami with Christmassy gold accents:

We love to see what you're making, so do send us photos of your origami stars!

Have fun, and see you next time,



origami Christmas stars

1 commento

Richard Hughes
Richard Hughes
30 ott 2024

They look so cool and lovely pictures.

Mi piace
furoshiki Snowflower Zusetsu pattern
Zusetsu logo with sakura blossom

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